Propagating the new work disability paradigm for disability benefits & workers' comp systems

California - Northern

Dr. Jennifer Christian of the 60 Summits Project worked with a number of key stakeholders in Northern California to arrange and hold a Summit feasibility meeting for northern California in December, 2006. Many of these people had already worked together to help minimize needless work disability, so the match was a good one and it was easy to decide to hold a Summit under the auspices of the 60 Summits Project. A planning group with dedicated and enthusiastic representatives from multiple organizations was formed.

The Northern California Summit on Promoting Stay-at-Work and Return-to-Work was held in Pleasanton, CA on June 21, 2007, with Dr. Jennifer Christian keynoting the event.  See the summary report of the proceedings and outcomes.

A follow-on group has been formed to help take action based on results of the Summit.

The California Consortium to Promote Stay-at-Work / Return-to-Work
is now meeting regularly and welcomes new members.

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