Sponsor Program Fact Sheet
- Invitation for Sponsors
- Value of Sponsorship
- Venues for Sponsor Participation and Visibility
- Non-exclusivity and Duration
- Contribution
- Application Process
Invitation for Sponsors:
You are invited to partner with the 60 Summits Project as a sponsor to help extend the reach of our work. There are opportunities for sponsors in eight categories. The basis for fees varies by category, and a variety of sponsorship levels is available. The Sponsorship term is for 15 months. The first major sponsor in each category will be referred to as a Charter sponsor and enjoy a first term of 18 months. Eligibility is at the discretion of the 60 Summits Project Board of Directors.
Sponsors are invited in eight categories:
- Private or public sector employers
- Disability insurers and disability benefits claims payers
- Workers� compensation insurers and workers� compensation third party administrators
- Direct service (hands-on) healthcare provider organizations
- Labor unions
- Governmental and non-governmental public agencies
- Intermediary and resource companies (managed care; provider networks; case management; vocational rehabilitation; PBM; investigations; law firms; drug, device or product vendors, etc.)
- Not-for-profit educational, charitable and advocacy organizations, and professional associations.
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Value of Sponsorship:
People and organizations who choose to sponsor the 60 Summits Project do so because one or more of the following are true:
- They like to support worthwhile endeavors, appreciate the positive and bridge-building approach of the 60 Summit Project, and want to �do the right thing� in their community or marketplace.
- Their own organization�s performance will improve when the 60 Summits Project has accomplished its goal of propagating the new work disability prevention paradigm among all stakeholders across North America -- so they want to help assure the on-going viability of the endeavor.
- They see a business benefit for themselves in being visibly associated with this innovative initiative in terms of image, access to a desirable target market, new relationships, and other opportunities.
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Venues for Sponsor Participation and Visibility:
The 60 Summits Project offers several potential venues for sponsor participation and/or visibility including:
- In-person events:
- Catalyst meetings that are set up by the 60 Summits Project and held on location to educate people about the project, assess the feasibility of holding a Summit, and recruit Summit planners.
- The first and any subsequent Summit Conferences held in each state in which the 60 Summits Project is financially involved.
- Meetings of follow-up action groups -- most often consortiums and coalitions -- that arise out of the Summit.
- Print, electronic and verbal communications regarding the 60 Summits Project.
- Media and press communications.
In Person Participation: Sponsors are encouraged to have people participate in 60 Summits Project events.
- Sponsors are notified in advance and invited to send attendees to each local Catalyst meeting and to participate on local Planning Groups.
- Sponsors have guaranteed seats at local Summit Conferences if the 60 Summits Project has an on-going financial relationship with the Planning Group. (Local groups typically limit attendance to roughly 100 people due to the workshop format.)
- A Sponsor�s attendees (employees, customers or prospects) are expected to actively participate and forward the action of whichever meeting they are attending.
Print, Electronic and Verbal Communications: Depending on level of sponsorship, sponsors can be mentioned in various ways in some or all of the following communications:
- Specific event general signage.
- Printed matter, including brochures, invitations, reports and white papers produced by the 60 Summits Project central office or the local Summit Planning Groups.
- The central 60 Summits Project website (including those of any local Summit Planning Groups that make use of this shared resource).
- Central 60 Summits Project and local Summit Planning Group electronic and printed communications, including websites, e-mail notifications and invitations, blogs, discussion boards, and hand-outs.
- Presentations by Dr. Christian and others involved with the project to interested audiences.
Acknowledgement of unrestricted funds provided to the 60 Summits Project by major sponsors will be communicated to all applicable audiences whenever opportunities present themselves, and take substantially the following form: �The 60 Summits Project is grateful for the generous grants provided by our sponsors [list of names].� Charter sponsors will have priority placement. Acknowledgement of funds contributed by other levels of sponsors will also be appropriately communicated to relevant audiences.
Media and Press Communications: Sponsors are invited and encouraged to issue a press release and hold media conversations. Support will be provided when feasible by the 60 Summits Project staff. Prior review and approval of content is required. When possible, the 60 Summits Project will co-release such documents.
Note: Because this is a grass-roots project, local Planning Groups assume control once they are organized and off the ground. They have the option to decline on-going involvement with the 60 Summits Project�s central office along with its sponsors. However to date, almost all local Planning Groups have relied on 60 Summits Project staff for support and have asked us to participate in their Summit Conferences. One group has held an independent summit, but is now interested in affiliating with the 60 Summits Project for on-going activities.
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Non-exclusivity and Duration:
The 60 Summits Project will have the largest positive impact on the �system� if all stakeholders feel welcome and actively participate. There is no exclusivity although the number of sponsors per category is limited.
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A prepaid and nonrefundable financial contribution will entitle Sponsors to applicable benefits for a 15 month period. (The first sponsor in each category will be referred to as a Charter sponsor, and receive benefits for 18 months.) Upon acceptance, the 60 Summits Project will issue an invoice net payable in 30 days. A signed agreement and receipt of all committed funds must occur before any permissions or rights are granted to the Sponsor, such as any public announcement or acknowledgement.
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Application Process:
To discuss sponsorship opportunities, contact:
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